BMDCA Rescue & Rehome
The BMDCA's Rescue & Rehome Committee works with Breed Ambassadors and Regional Club contacts to offer accurate information to those interested in learning about our breed. Together they are devoted to ensuring and maintaining the health and welfare of the Bernese Mountain Dog in rescue and rehoming situations.
The BMDCA recognizes that the Regional Clubs perform many rescues and rehoming and work with those clubs to maintain a constant network of support and resources.
Dawn Letry serves as the BMDCA Rescue & Rehome BMDCA National Rescue committee chair and may be contacted by email at lonestarbmdrescue1@gmail.com.
Please visit the Berner Rescue Gallery to read about our many success stories for rehomed or rescued Berners.
Interested in fostering or looking for an older Bernese Mountain Dog? You can find your local Rescue contact here.
Most BMDs requiring rehoming come from owners who can no longer care for them because of changing life circumstances or issues with the dog's health or behavior.
The number of dogs needing rescue services at any given time in a particular region is variable.
Dogs younger than two rarely come into the rescue program.
Rescue group representatives review adoption applications to make a workable match between adoptive owners and the dog.