The Alpenhorn
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The BMDCA Bulletin
A members only publication - official club business
Recent issues of the Bulletin are also available in the Members Only section.
The Bulletin is published monthly, is available to all members and includes:
new member applicants
open committee positions
board minutes
documents for member comment and review
committee information
Be sure to read the Bulletin every month to stay up-to-date on YOUR club.
The electronic version is sent once a month as a pdf file. Your e-mail address will not be shared or displayed.
Please note: The Awards Committee Chair sends written notification and title medallions to BMDCA members whose dogs have earned new titles.
Yearbook Pages*
The first Regular Yearbook page for a dog is complimentary.
Regular Yearbook pages for a dog featuring additional titles earned thereafter are $25 per page (payable to BMDCA). A full-page option for additional new titles is also available for $40
About Regular Yearbook Pages (New Titles and Pedigrees)
The Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America honors dogs belonging to BMDCA members who have earned a new title in the past year with a page in the BMDCA Yearbook featuring the dog.
Every Berner (owned by a BMDCA member) who has earned an AKC, BMDCA or AHBA title receives a title medallion and is eligible for a page in the annual BMDCA Yearbook.
Yearbooks Ordering
As a member service, Yearbooks can be pre-ordered as part of the BMDCA membership renewal and dues payment process. These Yearbooks will be mailed directly from the printer to members who have pre-paid as soon as they are available. Limited Yearbook quantities will be available beyond those pre-ordered.
BMDCA Yearbooks
The BMDCA Yearbooks contain: Records, Pedigrees, and Photos; Top Winners and Top Producers; Versatility and Working Dog Awards; New Titleholders and Advanced Titles; Top Junior Handlers; and Canadian Records and Titleholders.
Additionally, the following achievements include a free page in the BMDCA Yearbook (or half page at the discretion of the Yearbook committee).
Please note: Statistics for Top Producers and Top Winners are maintained by BMDCA Records and there is no need for the owner to apply.
Owners of BMDCA's Top Producers and Top Winners will be notified by the BMDCA Records Chair by late January or February.
About Special Awards and Advanced Titles (Front Section of Yearbook)
The following BMDCA Special Awards and Advanced Titles are eligible for a free page in the BMDCA Yearbook.
Please note that the following awards are not automatic and must be applied for:
Versatility Excellent
Working Dog
Working Dog Excellent
Please note: The Records Committee Chair sends written notification to BMDCA members whose dogs have earned Special Awards, Advanced Titles or Recognition.
For Further Information